The Elusive Language of Scent
Scent is elusive, uniquely subjective to individual sensory experience, still more enigmatic and complex than taste and sight. The human nose has roughly 400 scent receptors to distinguish over one trillion scents. Rabbits around 100 million and dogs estimated at 220 million receptors.
Olfaction is tangible, yet it is possibly the most fascinating to me, in the fact alone, that it harbors the ability to dispel grief and fear, activating emotional centers in our brain, even memories that seem deeply seated in our psyche, otherworldly, even visionary, sparking the imagination and similating experience without travel.
The scent of antiquity can be captured, created and bottled. Remnants of Frankincense and myrrh, redolent of dark, earthen ware, alabaster jars, Egyptian tombs.
A detail of fundamental importance, lies in our ability to detect and distinguish scent. An intimate even therapeutic quality that bypasses logic of the thinking brain, dislodging our analytical minds for a fleeting moment, to make room for raw, unfiltered elation, stories written in scent.
To discover scent stories curated and bottled with pure, unadulterated plant extracts, gourmand artisan botanical palettes visit